Saturday 15 February 2014

Review: Chaophraya Leeds, evening favourite, but for lunch?

Chaophraya is one of our favourite restaurants, we do love Thai food and here in Leeds we have one of the best. Always good food, good atmosphere, excellent staffing, but that was always of an evening, so what to make of a quick lunch...

They offer a two course lunch for £8.95 which certainly on the face of it is excellent venue, how would the service and atmosphere fare on a Saturday lunch..

Lunch is served downstairs in Palm Sugar (shown below) but is well set out though doesn't quite carry the atmosphere through especially as there were perhaps only a small handful of other couples around.

Service was prompt and of course being thai, carried those stereotypical qualities of being both very friendly and polite. Orders taken and prawn crackers // a nice tangy sweet chilli sauce provided and drinks provided (a very nice bottled London pale ale is available, but from experience I know Leeds pale goes very well with Thai, here's hoping they can get together)

Food arrived equally, starters of chicken satay and tempura prawns, well presented and tasty, a regular sized starter portion to. Mains of Pad Thai and Massaman Lamb Curry were perhaps slightly smaller than dinner portions but in the context of a two course lunch perfectly sized. The lamb was tender and nicely rich and in a lovely creamy massaman sauce, served with rice, the pad thai extremely flavoursome and again perhaps a slightly smaller portion.

Coffees and deserts were offered but declined.

Total bill £24.90, no service charge added.

We highly recommend Chaophraya for lunch (for dinner its a given), all in all with no attempt to slow things we were in and out in 40 mins, just what you need for a working lunch and if my team are good next week we might try this out mid week..

Lunch menu

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